Safe Space ToolKit
Be an Ally
Only 55% of LGBTQ youth in Napa County report feeling safe in school. From 2019-2021, Live Healthy Napa County partners conducted ethnographic interviews, learning conversations, and focus groups to gain insight into Napa County community members’ sense of Respect and Social Inclusion (RSI). LGBTQ residents said they want a more open-minded, accepting, safe, and positive community that celebrates all, where there is no judgment. Many reported feeling “accepted but not included” in Napa. Live Healthy Napa County partners identified LGBTQ inclusion as a priority and created the Safe Space Kit project as a way to foster and support welcoming spaces for LGBTQ-identifying community members.
Safe Space Kits protypes distributed across the Napa County community.
While we can never ensure that any space is going to be “safe” and affirming one hundred percent of the time, a safe space is a place, group, or community that is intentionally working to affirm LGBTQ people.
- GLSEN, Safe Space Kit
In 2023, our LHNC LGBTQ action team conducted a youth-centered design sprint with over 60 youth and community members, many of whom identified as LGBTQIA+ or allies. This highlighted a gap in local data about the experiences of LGBTQ youth. As a result, LHNC is thrilled to share Opportunities for Inclusion: What We Heard from LGBTQIA+ Youth and Allies in Napa County, in partnership with First 5 Napa County and LGBTQ Connection.
This report shares insights, data, barriers, and strategies to support LGBTQ youth safety and inclusion in Napa County. We encourage our partners to review the report and share it with your networks as a resource to promote innovation in supporting LGBTQIA+ youth and, ultimately, to improve health and wellness outcomes. |
The Roadmap to Inclusion was developed in partnership with First 5 Napa County and LGBTQ Connection as a framework to creating inclusive spaces for LGTBQ community members. This document is based on local ethnographic interviews and serves as a prototype document that outlines best practices for creating inclusive spaces.
We are partnering with First 5 Napa County and LGBTQ Connection to develop trainings, resources, and visible forms of allyship for organizations in our county’s education, healthcare, businesses, restaurants, and winery sectors to support our community in becoming #NapaStrongEnough!
Learn more about the Napa Strong Enough Campaign. You can request a yard sign for your home, business, or space here or you can print out the sign here. By displaying this sign, we ask you to commit to standing up against racism, homophobia, sexism, xenophobia, ableism, transphobia, ageism and other hate. |
Live Healthy Napa CountyLive Healthy Napa County (LHNC) seeks to promote and protect health and wellbeing of every member of the community. LHNC is a public-private partnership to develop a vision of a healthier Napa County and action agenda to realize that vision.
Vive Saludable Condado de Napa (LHNC por sus siglas en inglés) busca promover y proteger la salud y el bienestar de cada miembro de la comunidad. LHNC es una asociación pública-privada para desarrollar una visión de un condado de Napa más saludable y una agenda de acción para realizar esa visión. |
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