COMMISSION ON AGINGThe Commission serves as an advocate for the senior population by helping them to maintain a good quality of life and to remain independent by increasing awareness of the issues facing older adults in Napa County and by influencing public policy through regular reports to the Board of Supervisors.
NAPA COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH BOARDThe Mental Health Board serves as an oversight committee by reviewing and evaluating the community mental health needs, services, and facilities, and advising the Napa County Mental Health Director and Board of Supervisors as to any aspect of the County’s mental health programs.
NAPA COUNTY SUICIDE PREVENTION COUNCILThe Napa County Suicide Prevention Council supports existing local suicide prevention and stigma reduction efforts. We are working to identify and fill gaps in suicide prevention and postvention approaches across the County, as we develop an overarching Suicide Prevention plan that addresses the needs and input of our community.
HEALTHY BODIES COALITIONOur community embraces a culture of health where every person has access to and is aware of nutritious food, opportunities for exercise, and safe outdoor places that inspire people to be active and thrive.
NAPA OPIOID SAFETY COALITIONCommitted to improving Opioid Safety and Treatment Access in Napa County. NOSC is part of the largest statewide overdose prevention network in California and the nation. California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) is a network for coalitions, organizations, and individuals working at the forefront of the overdose epidemic.
TOBACCO FREE NAPAWe want to promote social norm change through policy that protects Napa County residents from the harms of tobacco products and secondhand smoke. We provide education, advocacy, and support for tobacco control in the community and are dedicated to reducing the impact of tobacco and cannabis products, including electronic smoking devices, on vulnerable populations.