The purpose of a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is to outline a long-term, systematic effort to improve the health of a community. In Napa County, we will strive to have CHIP strategies and proposed solutions be community-driven and designed with Napa County Public Health staff as support and LHNC partners providing direction and leadership. While there are multiple goals and objectives within each of the identified priority areas, in order for the process to be community driven, we will focus our efforts on a smaller number of strategies and activities in order to maintain capacity to do the work.
2019 NAPA COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN Live Healthy Napa County partners, through the 2018 CHA process facilitated by Napa County Public Health, identified four priority areas. These areas are directly from, or are related to, the Livable Communities framework. The Livable Communities1 framework was adapted from the World Health Organization and American Association of Retired Persons’ Age-Friendly Communities models, which outline eight domains of community life affecting health and well-being. These areas also align with several of the priorities identified by community members during the County of Napa’s Strategic Planning process.
2014 NAPA COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLANThe Napa County CHIP engaged more than 150 community partners and included a board representation of resident, businesses, services providers, policymakers and other entities across the county. With the help of these individuals, the LHNC Core Support Team and the LHNC Steering Committee, four priority areas were identified: